IML Transport Services
Update the IML Transport Services logo, along with brand guidelines, business cards, email footer and vehicle magnet graphics.
IML Transport Services
IML Transport Services got in touch with us after seeing a logo refresh we did for Amos Accountancy. The client had designed their own logo when they started the business but felt they needed a new look now they were more established and wanted a more professional look.
To accompany this they were also looking for some brand guidelines for future design work. They also needed us to design new business cards, email footer and vehicle magnet graphics. We also helped them by organising the printing of the business cards for their staff as well as a generic card.
Our Approach
Ogi, the Managing Director of IML Transport Services got in touch with us and after an initial phone call discussion, we requested he filled in the questionnaire as much as possible. We then started work on the new logo, researching the industry and explored some logo options. We identified 4 key areas of a transport business and these helped us develop the logo by layering them together.
We showed Ogi the logo idea, which he loved and he also wanted to try some other colour options. We worked through some ideas and found an option that he loved.
After this we developed the brand, business cards and email footers for staff plus vehicle magnet graphics.
Project Scope
Logo refresh
Brand guidelines
Business Cards
Vehicle Graphics
The Outcome
Professional logo
Brand guidelines for a professional look in all future design work
Business cards
Email footer
Vehicle magnet graphics
Love it...This is the one!!!!!!
Ognjen, Managing Director
IML Transport Services